Mexico is the biggest city of North and Central America. First time I was there I had the feeling of inextricable lanes of motorways everywhere and traffic jam as a normal part of the day life.
First time I went there it was for work and the minute I arrived (I was in Lima just before much more cool and calm) we started a breakfast working followed by a working meeting, a working lunch, a meeting, a diner and a debriefind working evening with drinks. Everywhere I was accompanied by two charming young ladies from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who had to follow any of my movements. I came back exhausted I am convinced that Mexicans do work. But at night you might have a nice time with drinks!
Mexico has numerous museums dedicated to art including Mexican colonial art. After the Mexican Revolution an avant-garde artistic movement originated in Mexico City: muralism. Many of the works of the artists including Diego Rivera are displayed in the city and most notably at the National Palace and the Palacio de Bellas Artes. Frieda Kahlo wife of Diego Rivera with a strong nationalist expression was also one of the most renowned of Mexican painters. Her house is a museum. Don’t forget the Museo de Arte Moderno and the Museo Tamayo.
The life in the City is still as it has been with a mix of modernism and tradition
You can see beautiful dances spectacles in Teatro de la Ciudad or at El Plaza Condesa.
You have to go toTeotihuacan even by Montgolfiere to see some of the biggest mesoamerican pyramids ever built.
My Mexican language teacher told me it was such a dangerous city and for that reason I had no watch and little money in my pocket. A friend told me he had to take cash from the Western Union Office as he had forgotten all his credits cards in Europe He retired something like 10.000 euos but he had to be escorted by the police for his own safety. Nothing happened to me but I think you have to be careful
They rob you! They make a change in the taximeter and they charge ten times the amount you have to pay. Be very careful abouit that.
I stayed at the W Hotel nice and trendy. It’s in Polanco the trendy and safe and chic area where you can also ride in bicycle but you also have Condesa (architecture Art Déco) and Roma (see the movie from Netflix).
Of course Polanco but also Zona Rossa (gay friendly). Without any order go to Kinky bar, Bar Jorongo, Patrick Miller Club and for restaurants Saks Polanco, Hacienda de los Morales and Parole (italian )