Capital of the largest country in the world today, and even more so at the time of the Romanovs or the USSR, Moscow can compete with the most beautiful European capitals. It imposes itself by its expanse and its allure. 8/10.
This is the largest city in Europe and it shows. Bigger than London, greener than Paris, more majestic than Berlin, Moscow is a real big city. 8/10.
The security seems under control in every respect and that, at the same time, there is no particular stress regarding the necessary formalities which allow to ensure the aforementioned security. 10/10.
Obviously Moscow is a very beautiful city and, in addition crossed by a river. The panorama is punctuated by churches and magnificent monuments. The city is different from its Russian rival, St Petersburg, but it also has a lot of charm.
Strolling through the city is like reliving centuries of history: from Ivan the Terrible to the terrible Stalin and up to the "disturbing" Putin, present host of the Kremlin.
A whole neighborhood makes you believe that you are in the USA and the vast and imposing avenues confirm that Moscow is indeed a capital of this century. 8/10.
In Moscow you het the impression that a great part of the population is young and dynamic. I had the feeling that the Russians consider themselves white, and that the Russian population hasn’t mingled a lot with the other populations belonging to the former USSR or the countries presently integrated in Russia, or the independent neighbors of Russia. This sentiment is confirmed in conversations with the Muscovites. Russian women are certainly very beautiful: at least a majority of them. Men are less handsome, or at least less well cared for although younger men can also be very charming. Women are sometimes very carefully dressed, almost too much but it suits them. They are perfectly at ease in long dresses and outfits that some Western Europeans might consider too elegant in the circumstances. A lot of young guys and girls handle their hair color with style. Some Russians are happy, some are short of money, life is expensive, many hate Gorbachev who "sold" the USSR. Young people find Putin "old". Some speak with regret of the time when one could receive an apartment from one's company or from the state. “An apartment. Can you imagine!”. At the same time, these very people do appreciate the improvement in the quality of life since that time. 9/10.