© Cici Olsson
Diane Von Furstenberg
NY is Culture? Money ? Pleasure ? Work ? Other?
Answer: NY is as Venice was in the past a city of both culture and commerce.
NY is Noisy ? Dirty ? Full of energy and dirty? Noisy but making progress? Other
Answer: NY is full of energy because it is built on granite.
NY is in the avant-garde? Between Europe and Texas? Conservative? Outshore by the West
Answer : NY is a truly cosmopolitan city between Europe and California.
If you compare the NY Fashion Week with that of Paris, London, Milan, NY one is
The most commercial ? The sharpest ? The most professional ? The most pragmatic
The most stylish?Other?
Answer: Pragmatic
What do you most like to do in NY? Work ? Read ? Find a new lover? Write ?
Go to the manicurist ? Receive friends? Leave NY? Come back to NY? Go to the theatre
Dance? Other?
Answer: Work write and find a new artist
Your collections are well known throughout the world. What new venture do you still want to do?
A chain of hotels ? Write a book on philosophy ? Spend time with your family and your friends
Take part in charitable work ? Grow old gracefully ? Other ?
Answer : I would like to continue to be me but better.